Friday Farm School

The Vermont Farm and Forest School offers a one day a week outdoor program that cultivates a connection with nature and farming.  

Created for ages 4 – 8, we expand your child’s education through experiential learning, creative play,  and relationship building — all while immersed in the natural landscape of a Vermont farm.

At VFFS, we aim to cultivate a sense of both groundedness and flight for children, and most of the day is spent outdoors where they can ground into the soil and run around the fields.  Academics are woven into the creative outdoor time as children explore, play and learn.  

While contemporary school education focuses on testing and academic achievement rated by test scores, at VFFS we believe that the outdoors and creativity are key to the holistic development and growth of each child.  And growth is exactly what happens at VFFS. 

Open to public schoolers, homeschoolers and unschoolers, our farm and forest based program provides a balance for your child in whichever way you choose to nourish, educate, and stimulate their brains, bodies and souls. 

Sign up!

“We love that Margo is doing something different that is also highly beneficial to her growth and

development. She also loves Farm School so it’s always a joy to see her so happy when we drop her off.

Margo has grown in confidence since starting Farm School. She has new friends who she talks

about and has become conscious of healthy food choices and how diet and activity affects health and wellbeing.” — Greg & Amy, VFFS parents

Why outdoor learning? 

Research shows that unstructured play promotes academic readiness in numerous ways, including impacting cognitive development, social interactions, and health and wellness. 

According to reports by the Children & Nature Network, spending time in nature:

  • Enhances creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
  • Boosts reading, writing, math, social studies, and science performance.
  • Increases focus and attention while reducing symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Increases enthusiasm for and engagement with learning.
  • Improves relationship skills and impulse control.
  • Reduces anger, stress, and disruptive behavior.
  • Increases physical activity, which reduces the risk of obesity.

The connection with nature, farm, and food that children develop through VFFS is one that will act as a foundation for their lives. 

Need a safe and fun place for your child to be during scheduled public school closures?  Want to try VFFS for a day?

We offer Open School Days, when your child can join us and spend a day as a VT Farm and Forest Schooler.  

Sign up!

“We wanted our girls to have fun being outside and learning about the things around them without the distraction of devices and while being active and independent.

My hope was that my girls would come home and teach me something new with each class. The Program certainly delivered this; I particularly appreciated the Program updates as they helped to encourage conversations when my kids got home.” — Betsy, VFFS parent


Friday’s 8:30 – 3:00 pm

(total of 31 weeks)

Starts September 4th and ends May 28th. Closed school days = Nov. 27, Dec. 18 and 25, Feb 19, 26, March 5, 12, April 23 

Tuition: $50/day 

First payment due: August 1st

Full tuition= $1,550

Half tuition=$775 second half due Dec 18

If you would like to arrange a different payment structure please contact Misse